
Online courses are courses that are designed for online delivery, and never meet on campus. 学生将观看视频, 完成任务和活动, and interact with their instructor and classmates through eLearning/Blackboard. While students are not expected to log into eLearning at any specific date/time, 学生应符合课程要求 最后期限,通常以周为单位.



Tips for Learning Online


Optimize Your Computer

Have Strong Internet

Zoom, 就像其他视频会议工具一样, 需要高速互联网连接才能正常工作. Be wired when you can and minimize the number of other wireless connections when you can't be wired.


Optimize Your Setting

Find a Quiet Place

当你有一个可以集中注意力的环境时,学习是最好的. Try finding a place that is free of distractions/excess noise, and offers privacy. 听课时你会更专注.


Dress The Part

Dress Appropriately

Even though your Live Online course might be virtual, it helps to look the part. 你的教练可能会要求你带上相机. 此外,研究表明,穿着得体也能让你集中注意力!


Stay Social

Turn on your Webcam

我们知道,每个人有时都有点怕镜头, at least to start; however, having your camera on and seeing your peers is one way to help bridge the "distance" of a Live Online course.


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Not Talking? Hit Mute

如果你不说话,别忘了把自己关起来. You'd be surprised how much background noise a microphone picks up—dogs barking, cars, planes, or even keyboard clicks.


Get the Best Experience

Avoid Calling In

Internet connections can act up and while you have the option to dial in, 在运行Zoom的电脑或手机/平板电脑上你的体验最好. 此外,由于呼入音频延迟,讨论通常很困难.


Stay Engaged

Be an Active Participant

Live Online模拟了课堂. Speak up 通过解除静音并加入当前的对话, use chat 在不打断的情况下添加某物 raise your hand 用缩放中的“举手”按钮.